Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ever Had Just an "Off" Day?

Ever had a day that you just didn't know what to make of it? Today is one of those days, at least for me. Sadly, it's not always sunny in Philadelphia and Tuesday is no exception. Since I woke up this morning, it's been raining; scratch that- down pouring. All day!
And I'm starting to wonder whose depressive spirit is out to get me. It's cold, rainy and I'm sick. Like, I didn't even get out of my room to post this sick. I've been staring at the ceiling fan in my room and listening to public radio for a good four and a half hours.
While my sister is gallivanting around downstairs, watching tv, eating ice cream and teaching the dog new tricks. The one day I don't have to do chores every day all summer is the day were I could die at any second. Thank god for the magics of the internet!
Hulu and YouTube are my new best friends; Now, I'm starting to feel like I shoudl start a channel for you people (yes all 2 of my followers...) so you can, I dunno, hear my extremly groggy and pre-pubescent-boy sick voice for the first time.
But, I digress. You'll get used to that eventually.
So, to conclude this pointless drabble:
I'm working on a stockpile of makeup tutorials ( 1 tutorial = 1 video + written directions + pictures) before I start posting, so they're coming, I promise.
So, what do you do on rainy days? DO you read, write, watch a good movie?
I usually like a good strong cup of Lady Grey tea and anything to keep me busy. Today I have been watching youtube videos. My top favorites are:
1. JesuOtaku Anime Review- Black Blood Brothers
2. Nostalgia Critic- Carebears in Wonderland
3. Nostalgia Critic- The Legend of the Titanic
4. Laser Pen Freakout by fadingregret897 [click to see]
5. Drops of Jupiter (vocals) by augustmoon14 [click to see]
Hope you all are having a spectacular day elsewhere!
Please, post some pictures of sunshine and flowers on here. I could super use it :)

Carie Lea


  1. I love JesuOtaku and Nostalgia Critic! But you know that, wasn't I the one who introduced you to it?
    And to answer your question, I get wet on rainy days and then I write fanfiction.

  2. Haha I love JesuOtaku & Nostalgia Critic as well! And I'm also sick, so no worries xD (sickness is not a fun time...)
    On rainy days I enjoy going outside and getting soaked (which I did), then spinning rifle & flag after it's all dried up :D And I enjoy movies as well x3 WATCH SUMMER WARS!! I LOVE THAT MOVIE :DDDD
    ~Aro :3
